Gooble Gooble!! Hey guys!
So, it's finally the week of Thanksgiving! I know I am excited about food, family and fun! (Don't mind my slightly jaded turkey at the top) Remember this week who you are thankful for and don't forget to thank God for all your blessings!
We don't have too much going on this week because we want you to have plenty of family time. There will not be bible study or fellowship this week. I know...cry cause you will miss us!!!

But don't despair!!! We have so much to look forward to in December!
December 10th!!!!!!!!! (not the 3rd) is the Youth Christmas Party!!! Now, you don't get to know too many of the detials, but here's what we need from you. Be at the church at 4:30 ready to leave. Please bring a coat (it will be cold!!) and a wrapped $1 Christmas gift! Get ready to have some fun!!!
December 16th is the Stone Soup Christmas Concert. All those who are singing must have attended the previous rehearsals and the dress rehearsal. Don't forget!!!
There is tons of fun stuff going on outside of the youth department at the church this holiday season you might want to check out:
~Dec. 3 Choir Christmas Concert
~Dec. 9th there is a Christmas sing along by the fountain. I think I heard there is cookies and wassil so...there's some incentive. (Then again, this is coming from the girl who ate 6 mini cupcakes today...)
~Dec. 16th is the stone soup Christmas Concert which some of your fellow youths will be involved in!
Alright, that's all I've got. Have a wonderful turkey day and we will see you guys soon!
Altered, there will be no more practices for this year. You get a break!! Get yourselves ready for an awesome spring semester!!
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