Hey Everyone! Hayley and Lindsey stopped by the office today to say hi! See what you miss when you don't come visit us??? I just met them, but they're really cool....anyway, here's the news for this week.
Youth News
Chi Rho-grades 6-8 & CYF-grades 9-12
The Blog!: We have a new blog!! Please visit: CCCC4Life.BlogSpot.com for the latest youth news and information!
Sunday School: Chi Rho & CYF in room 22 & 24 @ 9:40 & 10:50
Wednesday Bible Study: NONE Today (May 31st) …but we will meet on June 7th at the church!!!
Altered Worship Practice: Wednesday May 31st TODAY!! in the Forum at 6:30 – 7:30pm (There will be fun and games afterwards…… muahahah - Brenton). This is in practice for….
Youth Sunday (shortened version): We will be doing a shortened version of Youth Sunday on June 4th at all three services. Wear you “Got Soul?” shirts.
Thursday Night Movie Night
Come one, come all to the movie night in the forum. The movie is a mystery at the moment, but we are open to suggestion. Visit “The Blog” to give ideas.
Sunday Fellowship-5:30-7:00 pm
This Sunday – June 3rd – Kickoff Sunday!! Plus the unveiling of……… The Calendar!!! Get very excited….it’s gonna be a great evening!
Service Hour Oppurtunities: June 8th and 15th – Retirement Community Grocery Shopping – call the Youth office to let us know if you are interested.
Put these Dates on your Calendar:
June 7th: Mandatory Mission Trip Meeting @ 7:30pm in the
youth room. Bring all your paperwork and money owed.
XCAMP DATES: CYF (9th-12th grade) JUNE 11-17
EIGHTERS (completed 8th grade) JUNE 18-24
CHI RHO (6th & 7th grade) – JULY 2-8
Junior Camp (4th & 5th grade) – JULY 16-21
Discovery Camp (2nd &3rd grade) – JUNE 26-28