Hey everyone!!!
So we just got back from camp......everyone has got some sleep (at least as much as we could).....and we have an A - GRADE - MAZING this week at church. After having lunch with David, Joey, Lindsey D and Shannon today, i am even more pumped about it.
Tonight - if you are in Altered....we have a mandatory, but fun practice tonight.....it's going to be a good night for worship, and working out how our BIG GIG in D-town is going to go.....Practice starts at 6:30
Wednesday Night - Bible Study at the Dillards!!! Did you know that her street name has MY NAME in it!?!?! I just worked that out today.....plus you know how fun last Bible Study was (vegemite is always fun)....we will be diving into Daniel chapter 2....Read it before you come if you can....i would have many happiness pains :)
THURSDAY!!!!! - Ohhhhhh yeah.......TAN DAY!!! Everyone is trying to guess what it is....all i can say, is that it is going to be a great service oppurtunity, and a really fun day. All i ask is that you wear your "Got Soul?" T-shirts when you come. It starts at 9am and goes till 4pm (for CYF.....1pm for Chi Rho). It's a great way to get service hours.....have some fun and hang out with everyone. By the way.....if you could let me know your favourite SONIC drink (leave a comment!!!!)......it would make things a lot easier..... Also: MUCHO IMPORTANTE : Bring a sack lunch!!!!!!! OK, that's all im sayin!!!
Please come to all the activities this week! I won't be here next week, so i won't be able to see your pretty faces (yes....that's right)......i'll be in Miami visiting my mum! So let me see "ya'll" this week!
Also....i think your Mission Trip money is due in soon....just a reminder!
God bless all of ya....we'll see you soon!
Anonymous is me..i'm not really sure how you work this thing...but yea oceanwater
Lindsey Dillard
Vanilla Dr Pepper. Sorry that I'll miss ya'll on Thursday!
Cherry Coke. Sorry I will miss thursday, I have a morning meeting with my temporary agency in the galleria area.
Awesome choices......i hope you guys can find a way to make it on Thursday....it's gonna be a-mazing!!!
haha! ok so i havent met you yet but im Haylie! And i hope to meet you soon!
so fav sonic drink eh? well that would have to be a cherry limade or peach tea!
Hey Haylie!!! You should come tommorrow to the church at 9 so we can meet! Everyone's going to help in our service day, and im gonna go get sonic drinks!
Hope to see ya there!!! can't wait to meet you!
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